
Meeting Jesus In Advent


The wonderful season of Advent is once again with us in the Catholic Church. But what is Advent?  The word “Advent” is Latin for “a coming or arrival”. The idea behind it is that God came to earthly life and lived among us. Yes, God really lived and lives among us, through Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit.

The meaning of Advent challenges the faithful to be ready. It is a season of preparation. It is waiting with longing expectation and with joyful hope. Advent helps to make us spiritually ready to celebrate the incarnation of Christ.

During the season of Advent, we ponder Christ coming in history, mystery and in majesty. At this blessed time we contemplate God’s coming in great humility and simplicity. Consider for a moment the stable in which Jesus was born. Think of its surroundings, the general environment. By the world’s standard, there is no majesty there. Yet Advent directs our attention to Christ coming in majesty. Here God’s justice will triumph over all injustice.

Advent season calls us to recognize God’s presence in our daily lives. Often we fail to acknowledge and give thanks for God’s many gifts and blessings. Christ comes to us through prayer, the Word, the Spirit’s guidance, through each other and through events.

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We are challenged to watch, pray constantly, prepare, stay awake, seek and wait on the Lord. Only those who practice these things will be able to recognize Jesus when He comes. Like Mary we need to be spiritually ready to recognize, conceive and receive Jesus. God saw within Mary’s very flesh one who would receive Jesus with inexpressible love and be totally devoted to the child Jesus.

During this Advent season, let us ponder, treasure and contemplate Christ presence in the Holy Eucharist. Let us receive Him worthily and frequently with inexpressible joy and awe. May we make ourselves more available to be nourished by all the spiritual gifts which God so long to pour out upon us. God keeps and fulfills all His promises. He can be depended upon.

During this season of Advent, and as we ponder on what is Advent, let us do all we can to prepare our minds, our hearts, our bodies and our souls to receive Jesus, so that at Christmas, with the heavenly host and all of creation we will sing “Glory to God in the highest.”

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