
The Baptism Of Jesus – Go Make A Difference

This weekend, the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus, with the challenge to go make a difference.  Go make a difference in our families, our workplaces, our schools, our world. “And Jesus came upon John baptizing in the Jordan.”  This was His moment.  Jesus would perform an act that would change the course of human history.  He did this even though  that action would ultimately cost Him His life.  Jesus, although infinitely superior to John, allowed John to baptize Him as an expression of His solidarity with all those who were looking to change mankind.  From that point on, Jesus became a public person.  He would draw the support of thousands and the scorn of the establishment.  Eventually, He would be killed, but in the process He would provide life for all who followed Him.   The Easter rites and Orthodox Church are correct in emphasizing the Baptism of Jesus in their celebration of the Epiphany.  This is the point in the Lord’s life that He made public the direction his life would take and the death that his decision would lead him.

With the 1.3 million of people there are in T&T, it seems ludicrous for any of us to think that we can make a decision at one point in our lives that will have a tremendous effect upon our country.  But we can.  In fact we are called upon as Christians to make a difference in the world.  “Go make a difference,” we sing.  We can take on the action of Christ, and participate in his transformation of the world.

When we make a critical decision for the Lord, when we decide that we will take a leap outside the status quo of society and plunge into our faith in the Lord, into the Jordan River with Jesus, we effect a tremendous change upon humanity.

The true progress of humanity can only be measured in terms of ethical advances, how we have learned to behave, how we have learned to love.  When we join Jesus in setting into motion God’s plan for humanity, build harmony, we help transform mankind from a loose knit group of selfish individuals to reflection of God’s love upon the world.

As we celebrate the feast of the baptism of Jesus Christ, may we reflect on our own baptism, and pray that the clensing waters of our baptism will wash us of every sin.  Let us renew our baptismal vows and by the grace of God, live them every day of our lives.

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