Pro-Life Articles

Abortion – Why Care Anyway?

Pro-choice or pro-life? Foetal tissue or pre-born child? Safe procedure or dangerous decision? How much do you really know?


In the United States, the ” right to choose” has enabled women to have an abortion for any reason, at any time, from conception until birth: abortion on demand. You may have been told that a pregnant woman aborts a “piece of tissue.” But what is really being aborted?  It was presented at a congressional hearing that physicians, biologists and other scientists agree that conception (fertilization) marks the beginning of the life of a human being – a person that is alive and a member of the human species. So the question is no longer, “Does abortion take the life of a child?” but “Is it OK to take that life?”


People argue that a woman has a right to do whatever she wants with her body. Think about this! First of all, we do not belong to ourselves, but to God.  Second of all, there’s another body involved – another person. Does she have the right to do what ever she wishes with that person?  In the United States, she does, if the person is still inside her body. Abortion is legal. But does that make it right?  We are outraged when we hear that a newborn baby was killed and tossed in a dumpster – yet we say nothing when a woman who is pregnant, has her child killed in an abortion clinic.

Women have abortions for all kinds of reasons – they believe that they’re too young to raise a child, they’ve been a victim of rape or incest, they have financial difficulties, emotional problems, or other priorities and concerns. But at least 97% of abortions occur for reasons of convenience. In many cases, parents see their child as a burden, a mistake. The woman becomes pregnant at the “wrong time”, and now they want to avoid the responsibility of parenting or giving the child up for adoption. Should a woman be able to take another person’s life because she just doesn’t feel ready?



Why do people think abortion is OK?

What would you do to avoid the consequences of your actions?  How far would you go to hide something that you did?  Let’s say you’re cheating on an exam and a friend sees you. After the exam, your friend tells you he’s turning you in if you don’t tell the teacher yourself. Would you kill him so no one would find out?

Or say you steal a t-shirt from a department store. On your way out, the t-shirt drops out of your jacket and onto the floor. You panic, pick up the shirt and run from the store. A girl who works there sees you and chases you a few blocks. To make sure that you wouldn’t have to face prosecution from the store, do you wait for her after work, beat her up, and threaten to kill her if she ever tells?

It is wrong to kill a person simply because he or she came to be as a result of adultery or pre-marital relations. Society has reversed the moral issue.  The act of adultery and having pre-marital relations are the sins – the resultant child is not a sin but a precious gift from God.  Abortion has become an accepted practice in order to accommodate our lifestyles!

But what if a woman is raped? Is that abortion justified?  Let’s see – a horrible crime is committed by a man and who suffers? Can you imagine having to go to jail because your father robbed a bank? Of course not! The woman should not have to suffer through the pain of an abortion and the child should not be killed because her father committed the horrible crime of rape.

Let’s stop lying to ourselves!

Everyday more than 4,400 babies lose their lives through surgical abortion. We don’t hear their screams. We don’t feel their pain. They can’t ask for help. It’s easy to turn our backs when we can’t see what’s going on.

TV, newspapers, and the media expose us daily to the acts of violence, terror, and hate that infects our world.  We watched shows and movies that depict horrific acts of murder, assault and terror. However, there is one act of violence that happens thousands of times every day that we’ve probably never heard described on TV or in and the newspaper. Have you ever seen what an abortion looks like?  Even abortionists know that the best way to keep abortion legal and common is to avoid talking about it. Colorado abortionist Warren Hern said, “Television interviews in particular should focus on the public issue involved and not on the specific procedure.”


Keeping the focus away from what’s really going on has kept us and the World silent.

More often than not, women agree to abortion knowing little or nothing about what is going to happen to them and their babies. Doctors and clinic workers will even withhold information and dodge questions knowing that the woman could change her mind if given the entire truth. Veteran abortionist Dr. Randall said, “They (the women) are never allowed to look at the ultrasound because we knew that if they so much as heard the heartbeat, they wouldn’t want to have an abortion. ” 

Would abortion remain legal if everyone could see what it entails, or at least be told the truth about what really happens? Would the majority of women even want abortions if they really knew what they were doing?

In a study detailed in the New England Journal of Medicine, 10 women were shown ultrasound images of the babies immediately prior to their scheduled abortions. Nine of the women left the clinic and chose life for their babies. How many other woman would choose life if they knew the truth?


So why should you care?

You should care because abortion is murder and one-third of your generation is dead! They were killed by abortion!  Abortion affects all of us whether we realize it or not.  Just think of the millions of people we’ll never know because they were killed by abortion. And how many people do you know right now who are suffering because they aborted their children, or are in denial about it?



Rock For Life – A division of American Life League

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