
Christ the King: The Lord Who Shepherds His People

The feast of Christ the King marks the end of the liturgical year and invites us to reflect on the lordship of Jesus over all creation. In this post, we will explore how the first reading from the prophet Ezekiel sheds light on the identity and mission of Christ as the Good Shepherd who comes to rescue and gather his scattered flock.

Ezekiel was a priest and a prophet who witnessed the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the people of Israel by the Babylonians in the sixth century BC. He blamed the disaster not only on the foreign invaders, but also on the bad leadership of Israel’s kings and priests, whom he called shepherds who fed themselves instead of the sheep. They neglected the weak, the sick, the injured, and the lost, and allowed the flock to be scattered and devoured by the enemies.

Ezekiel announced that God himself would intervene and take over the role of the shepherd. He would seek out his sheep, rescue them from all the places where they were dispersed, bring them back to their own land, and feed them with justice. He would also appoint a new shepherd, a descendant of David, who would rule over them with care and fidelity.

This prophecy is fulfilled in Jesus Christ, who reveals himself as the good shepherd who knows his sheep and lays down his life for them. He is not just another prophet or leader, but the very presence of the God of Israel who has come to save his people. He is also the son of David, the true king who reigns not by force or violence, but by love and mercy. He gathers his flock into one fold, the Church, and feeds them with his word and his body and blood.

As we celebrate the feast of Christ the King, let us acknowledge him as the Lord of our lives and the Shepherd of our souls. Let us listen to his voice, follow his guidance, and trust in his protection. Let us also imitate his example of caring for the least and the lost, and share in his mission of bringing all people to his kingdom.

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