
Long Time Ago in Bethlehem

In 1956, Harry Belefonte was the first person to perform Mary’s Boy Child, written by Jester Hairston in the same year. Over sixty years later, during December, this song is frequently heard on dedicated Christmas music stations across the globe. Many artists haver performed covers of the song, including Boney M., who performed what is most likely the most popular and well-known version of the song, “Mary’s Boy Child — Oh My Lord.”

Other titles for this much loved Christmas song include “Mary’s Boy Child” and “Mary’s Little Boy Child” with other adaptations depending on the artist who performed the song. Regardless of the performer, the song details the Christmas story from the Bible and includes references to the shepherds, the north star, Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus himself. The lyrics refer to eternal life, and that because Jesus was born the world obtained salvation.

The song’s composer, Hairston, was heavily involved in the performing arts throughout his life. He was born in North Carolina, raised in Pittsburgh and spent most of his adult life in New York City. He composed and recorded many songs, and made many on screen appearances in films and television. He played minor roles in as many as twenty popular films, however his first love was music. Part of the reason may be that he was rarely recognized for many of the on screen appearances he made through his career.

Something Hairston, who died at the age of 98 in 2000, did get credit for, was his tireless work to preserve the historical Negro spiritual. Part of the work that he did to preserve them was to direct and work with choral groups throughout his career. Hairston will be remembered for years to come for the excellent contribution he made to the world.



Mary’s Boy Child

Long time ago in Bethlehem
So the holy bible say
Mary’s boy child Jesus Christ
was born on Christmas day

Hark now hear the angels sing
a new king born today
and man will live forevermore
because of Christmas day.
Trumpets sound and angels sing
listen what they say
that man will live forevermore
because of Christmas day

While shepherds watch their flock by night
they see a bright new shining star
then hear a choir sing
the music seemed to come from afar.
Now Joseph and his wife Mary
come to Bethlehem that night.
Them find no place to born she child
not a single room was in sight.

By and by they find a little nook
in a stable all forlorn,
and in a manger cold and dark
Mary’s little boy was born
Long time ago in Bethlehem
so the holy bible say
Mary’s boy child Jesus Christ
was born on Christmas day

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