
Support Fully Catholic

Thank you for taking the time to stop by our site and for your support.  It is very much appreciated.  May God richly bless you for your generousity.

It is with absolute certainty that I say that it is a tremendous joy and privilege to be Catholic.  However, sad to say, there are so many Catholic who do not know their faith, nor understand what the Church teaches.  Many go through life without really knowing the tremendous joy of being Catholic and living Catholic Faith. It was for this purpose that God has called me to this ministry – to help others to know and to understand the true teachings of the Catholic Church and what it means not just to be Catholic by Baptism, but to be Fully Catholic by Baptism and by practising the faith.


Our Mission
To make the true teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church easily available to all, in a way that is easily understood


Through the use of media such as the Internet, social media, and as many forms of technology as is possible


As simple as it may seem, this takes a great deal of time, effort and resources.  Those of us who are involved in this ministry would like to do so on a full time basis, as there is so much more that can be and need to be done; but we need your help:-


Prayer Support
Please pray for us at your prayer meeting, your private prayer and at the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.  Pray that God will bless and guide this Ministry.


Tell Somebody
Tell others about our ministry.  If you have been touched by this site and our ministry, then please share it with others.  God’s desire is that the Gospel message will reach to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8)


Let Us Hear From You
We would love to hear from you what is means to be Catholic.  So please feel free to share with us your experiences of being Catholic.  Upon review, your sharing can be posted on FullyCatholic. If you are also involved with or planning any Catholic activities that you’d like to share with the wider catholic community, we’d also love to hear from you.  Just feel free to drop us a note and photos if there are any.


Financial Support
This will be greatly appreciated and will help our ministry to grow and touch even more lives. Your donation can be a one time contribution, or an on-going one – as the Spirit leads you.  We are completely dependent on God’s providence at work in you. Please see the links to the side of this page.


Again, we thank you for your kindness and your generousity.  May God reward you one hundred-fold.  Most of all, may He bless you with a deeper encounter of His love and His mercy.


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