Catholic Buzz

Attending Holy Mass – An Obligation Or A Privilege?

Many Catholics attend Mass out of share obligation. Maybe their mother or grandmother or maybe even their father insisted that they should go to Mass, so they just continue to go. We see a very high drop-out rate after many have made their confirmation. But is this the right approach? Should we be attending this most precious gift purely out of obligation alone?

The Holy Eucharist is a tremendous source of immeasurable Grace that sustains us for the Christian walk. Jesus’ words tells us “I am the bread of life he who comes to me shall not hunger. He who believes in me will not thirst.” (John 6:35)

In this video I look at this topic – should the Holy Mass beat attended out of obligation alone or should we see it as a Divine privilege and as such want to present ourselves before the King of kings and the Lord of lords, who in turn give Himself to us in the Holy Eucharist.

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