Papal Corner

Pope Francis On The Baptism Of Jesus

[simpleazon-image align=”right” asin=”1601374585″ locale=”us” height=”375″ src=”” width=”250″]Below is the English translation  the sermon given by His Holiness, Pope Francis, before the recitation of the Angelus yesterday.   Thousands of pilgrims gathered yesterday to celebrate the Baptism of Jesus.  Here is the sermon of Pope Francis:-

Dear brothers and sisters, hello!

Today is the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Today I baptized 32 babies. I thank the Lord with you for these infants and for every brand-new life. I such as to baptize kids. I truly enjoy it! Every child who is born is a present of joy and hope, and every youngster who is baptized is marvel of the faith and a festival for the family of God.

Today’s Gospel reading highlights the fact that, when Jesus received baptism from John in the Jordan River, “the paradises opened for him” (Matthew 3:16). This satisfies the prophecies. In truth, there is an invocation that the liturgy has us repeat throughout Advent: “O that you would rend the heavens and come down!” (Isaiah 63:19). If the paradises remain shut, our horizon in this earthly life is dark, without hope. However, celebrating Christmas, the faith has actually when again given us the certainty that the paradises have been opened by Jesus’ coming. And on the day of Christ’s baptism we once more contemplate the opened paradises. The manifestation of the Son of God on earth is the beginning of the great time of mercy, after sin had actually closed the heavens, making an obstacle in between human beings and their Creator. With Jesus’ birth the paradises are opened! God provides us in Christ the assurance of a love that can never be destroyed. From the minute the Word was made flesh it is possible to see the paradises opened. It is possible for the shepherds of Bethlehem, for the magi from the East, for the Baptist, for the Apostles of Jesus, for St. Stephen, the first martyr, who exclaimed: “I see the heavens opened!” (Acts 7:56). And it is likewise possible for each one of us, if we let ourselves be invaded by God’s love! This is the great time of mercy! Do not forget it. This is the good time of mercy!

When Jesus received the of baptism repentance from John the Baptist, entering into uniformity with the repentant friend– he who is without and without a should change– God the Father made his voice heard from heaven: “This is my cherished Son. In him I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). Jesus received the heavenly Father’s approval, who sent him specifically to share our condition, our poverty. Sharing is the true way to enjoy. Jesus does not disassociate himself from us. He considers us brothers and shares with us. And in this method he makes us kids, together with him, of God the Father. This is discovery and the source of true love. And this is the great time of mercy!

Does it not seem to you that in our time there is a demand for even more fraternal sharing and of love? Does it not appear to you that all of us need more charity? I am not talking about that charity that contents itself with extemporaneous help and does not get involved, does not put itself into play, but that charity that shares, that takes on our brother’s difficulties and suffering. Exactly what flavor life has when we let ourselves be flooded with God’s love!

Let us ask the Holy Virgin with her intercession to sustain us our effort to follow Christ along the method of faith and charity, the means traced out by our Baptism.

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