Catholic Catechism

How many precepts of the Church are there and what are they?

There are five (5) precepts of the Church and they are as follows:-

  1. The first precept says, “You shall attend Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligation and rest from servile labor”.
  2. The second precept tells us, “You shall attend confession and confess your sins at least once a year.”
  3. The third precept of the Church says, “You shall humbly receive your Creator in Holy Communion at least during the Easter season.”
  4. The fourth precept says, “You shall keep holy the holy days of obligation.”
  5. Finally, the fifth precept says “You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the church.”

While these precepts seem to outline the “minimum requirements” of a practicing Catholic is, a Catholic and a Christian is first and foremost called to be a lover of God. (Luke 10:27, Deuteronomy 6:5, Matthew 22:37) When we love God the way Jesus commands us to, then we can never attend the Holy Eucharist too much, we will be constantly repentant of our sinfulness, we will always want to be in the presence of God

CCC :2042 – 2043

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