Catholic Q & A

About The Early Church And The Early Church Fathers

Apostolic Succession in the Bible

Are any Church Fathers mentioned in the Bible

Canon of Scripture- What criteria did the early Christians use to determine it

Did Early Christians Believe in the Real Presence

Did the Church Fathers contradict each other

Did the early Christians have any fiction

Did the Early Church have Deaconesses

Did the Emperor Constantine found the Catholic Church

Did the Fathers always agree with each other

How Did the Church Fathers Explain the Perpetual Virginity of Mary

How Did the Church Know Which Books to Put in the Bible

How did the Old Testament canon develop

Is Origen considered a Church Father

Is Tertullian considered a Church Father

New Century, Same Faith

The Church Fathers and Greek Philosophy

The First Epistle of Clement and Papal Primacy

Was St. Augustine a Proto-Protestant

Was the Early Church Misogynistic

What anti-pope is also a saint

What books did the Church Fathers exclude from the Bible and why

What is the Didache

What manual of Church discipline probably dates from the age of the apostles

What was the Incident of the Statues

When Did the Apostles Become Priests

When Did the Early Churches Recognize a Pope

When was the word Catholic first used

Which Church Father was elected bishop before he was even baptized

Which Church Father’s brother was forcibly ordained to the priesthood

Who were the Church Fathers

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