
The Call of Samuel: Lessons in Listening to God’s Voice


  • Summary of the story of Samuel’s call: In 1 Samuel 3, we read about the story of Samuel’s call to be a prophet of God. As a young boy, Samuel is serving in the temple under the guidance of the high priest Eli. One night, while he is sleeping, God calls out to him three times. Samuel, not yet aware that it is the Lord calling him, goes to Eli, thinking it is him who called him. Eli then realizes that it is the Lord calling Samuel, and instructs him how to respond. From this point on, Samuel becomes a prophet of God, and God uses him to deliver important messages to the Israelites.
  • The importance of listening to God’s voice: Listening to God’s voice is crucial for our spiritual growth and guidance. It allows us to discern God’s will for our lives and to live in obedience to Him. In a world full of distractions and noise, it can be difficult to hear God’s voice, but it is essential that we make time and effort to listen to Him.

The Context of Samuel’s Call:

  • The state of the Israelites during Samuel’s time: At the time of Samuel’s call, the Israelites were in a state of moral decline. The judges who had led them had passed away, and the Israelites had turned to idol worship. The people were crying out for a king, but God had intended for them to be led by Him alone.
  • The roles and duties of a prophet in ancient Israel: Prophets in ancient Israel were called by God to deliver His message to the people. They were used by God to warn the Israelites of impending judgment and to call them to repentance. They also had the role of foretelling future events, and often God would reveal to them the hidden things.

Lessons from Samuel’s Call:

  • The importance of being attentive to God’s voice: One of the key lessons from Samuel’s call is the importance of being attentive to God’s voice. Samuel was able to hear God’s call because he was attentive and ready to respond. In order to hear God’s voice, we must be willing to be still, quiet our hearts, and listen.
  • How to discern God’s voice: Another lesson from Samuel’s call is how to discern God’s voice. Samuel, at first, did not understand that it was God who was calling him. Eli was able to teach him how to recognize God’s voice, and how to respond to it. In our own lives, we must learn to discern God’s voice by studying His word, and through prayer, we learn to listen and respond.
  • Consequences of not listening to God’s voice: Samuel’s call also highlights the consequences of not listening to God’s voice. If Samuel had not been attentive, he would not have been able to hear and respond to God’s call. Similarly, in our own lives, if we do not listen to God’s voice, we may miss out on the plans and purposes He has for us.

Application to our Lives:

  • How to apply the lessons of Samuel’s call: We can apply the lessons of Samuel’s call to our own lives by being attentive and responsive to God’s voice. This can be done by spending time in prayer, reading the Bible and studying the scripture, and being open and receptive to God’s word.
  • The importance of being obedient to God’s voice: Another way to apply the lessons of Samuel’s call is by being obedient to God’s voice. Samuel’s call was not just to hear God’s voice, but to obey it. We too must learn to obey God’s voice when He speaks to us, even if it means going against our own plans and desires.
  • How to cultivate a heart attuned to God’s voice: Cultivating a heart that is attuned to God’s voice takes time and effort. We can do this by spending time in prayer and in the Word, being in fellowship with other believers, and by being obedient to God in all things. We must also guard our hearts against things that can dull our spiritual sensitivity, such as unrepentant sin, busyness, and distractions.


  • Summary of the main points: In this blog post, we have discussed the story of Samuel’s call as found in 1 Samuel 3, the importance of listening to God’s voice, the context of Samuel’s call in relation to the state of Israelites, the lessons that can be learned from Samuel’s call such as being attentive, discern and obey God’s voice, and how to apply it to our own lives.
  • Call to action: This post encourages readers to take time to reflect on their own relationship with God, to listen to and obey His voice. It is a reminder that listening to and obeying God’s voice is not just important, but essential for our spiritual growth and for living a fulfilling life.

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