
Easter Means The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ

Easter Means the Resurrection Of Jesus

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MEDITATION: For a lot of people, Easter is just another holiday, a 3-day weekend of fun and no work. For others, it’s chocolate bunnies and Easter eggs. BUT WE KNOW BETTER! For Christians, Easter means the resurrection of Jesus from the dead! It means the promise of life after death! It means hope of a better life. It means joy. The resurrection of Jesus is the basis of our faith. If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead then we’re just wasting our time here every Sunday. The words, “He is not here, but He is risen”, changed the course of history! And they continue to do so. Let us take a look at why the resurrection is so important to us. The resurrection of Jesus is totally awesome even though many people of the world don’t know this and many doubt it.



  • Mohammed didn’t get up!

  • Confucius didn’t get up!

  • Buddha didn’t get up!

  • Joseph Smith is dead.

  • Jim Jones is dead.

  • David Koresh is dead.

  • Jesus of Oyingbo is dead.

  • But HALLELUJAH!! Jesus is Alive! He’s Alive! He Got Up from the grave!


People often ask, “Why was the stone rolled away?” Well, the stone was not rolled away for Him to come out. The stone was rolled away so that we could look in. It was rolled away so that the empty tomb could be visible to all. The empty tomb is the greatest evidence of the resurrection of Jesus. Critics have tried to explain it away, and they have not been able to. The empty tomb still stands, as evidence to all that Jesus is not dead. He is alive today.

Easter means victory. Victory over death, hell and the grave. 1 Corinthians 15:42-44, So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown corruptible; it is raised incorruptible. It is sown dishonorable; it is raised glorious. It is sown weak; it is raised powerful. It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual one.”

  1. Victory Over Death’s Defeat: In verse 42 Paul says we are sown corruptible or perishable. But because of the resurrection we are raised incorruptible or imperishable. We are born into this life as perishable beings. But because of the resurrection we have eternal life. From the moment you receive Jesus Christ into your life, you have victory over death. Your physical body might fail you, but your soul will never die. You will be raised, forever to live with Jesus in heaven.

You become imperishable. In the resurrection account the angel said to the women at the empty tomb, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” They did not understand, but they soon would. When they realized what he meant they no longer spend their lives fascinated with death. They spent the rest of their lives fascinated with life. In Christ, the greatest and the lowliest have the assurance that death is no longer victor because of the resurrection of Christ.

  1. Victory Over Sins Dominion: He goes on to say that we are sown in dishonor. We are born in sin, but because of the resurrection we are raised in the glory of the father. When we invite Jesus Christ into our lives we are able to stand before God spotless, just as if we had never sinned. Paul says that we are sown in weakness but through the resurrection of Jesus we are raised in power. We are born weak, with no power to resist sin and temptation, but because of the resurrection of Jesus, the power of sin over our lives can be broken.

The Bible says, “All power is given unto them who believe. Though we were dead, yet shall we live.” Do you know what that means? It means that because of the resurrection of Jesus we have power over sin. Power over temptation. Power over lust of the flesh. Power over drugs and alcohol. Power over broken relationships. Power over financial bondage. Power over every circumstance in life. All power is given to us through the resurrection of Jesus. Since the power of God was able to raise Jesus from the dead, how much more can that same power enable us to live extraordinary lives?

  1. It Demonstrates the Power to Make a Comeback: God is the God of the second chance. He can turn things around when they seem hopeless. Separated from his father he cried: “My God, My God why have you forsaken me.” But God is the God of the second chance. He forsakes us not and what seemed so hopeless that Friday afternoon was to become the greatest comeback the next Sunday morning. No matter how far you have strayed from God. No matter how long you have been on that wayward path, on that broad road, it is not too late. Because of Christ’s resurrection you can reach up from where you are today and take the hand that is reaching out to you, and you can make a comeback.

  1. It Demonstrates the Reach of God’s Redemption: In 1 Corinthians 15:7-8, St. Paul writes, “After that he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. Last of all, as to one born abnormally, he appeared to me.” In the Greek the phrase “one born abnormally” is one word which means literally to be “Snatched” from the womb as in a cesarean section, or an abortion. You see Paul had nothing to be proud of— he persecuted the Christians—he says I am least of the apostles—it was only by the grace of God that I am what I am. He was snatched out of the depths of his sinfulness.

What Paul is saying here is that no matter how unworthy we are. No matter how undeserving of his grace. When we come to him confessing our sins and inviting him into our lives, he reaches down to wherever we might be and lifts us into his everlasting arms. Psalm 119 tells us that there is never a mountain too high, never a sea too deep, never a place too far that God cannot reach us. God should have given us the blast of judgment. But instead he offers the blessing of redemption.

Hallelujah! He Has Risen! The empty tomb is just a reminder of who we serve…. An Awesome God. This year as we celebrate Easter, let us focus our life on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Let’s act in the power that God has given us as born again believers. Let us remember the sin, sickness and disease that has been washed away by the blood and sacrifice of Jesus. We have the victory over death’s defeat, victory over sins dominion, we have the power to comeback and finally, we see God’s redemptive nature.


Jesus Christ defeated the enemy at Calvary. He rose! And he gives us reason to celebrate. If you have been sucked in, washed up and blown over; if you could use a reason to celebrate, I hope that maybe you have found one today. I hope that you will leave here this morning with a song in your heart and on your lips. He arose! You too are rising in His name and by His power!




Heavenly Father and God of mercy, I believe that Jesus is alive and has become the Lord of life. From the waters of Baptism you have raised me with him and renewed your gift of life within me.

Increase in my mind and heart the risen life I share with Christ and help me to grow in your wisdom and grace. Lord Jesus, you appeared to your apostles after the resurrection and filled their hearts with joy when you said to them “Peace be with you”.

May the peace of your presence abide with me and make each day you give me the most beautiful day of my life. Lord Jesus, you triumphed over death and destroyed the power of death in me, may I live only for you.

Risen Lord, you brought confusion on the guards at your tomb but joy to your disciples, grant me the fullness of joy as I serve you in spirit and truth. You promised to be with your disciples, Lord, to the end of the world, stay with me today and remain with me always.

King of glory, center of my life, grant that when you come again, I may be one with you in glory. Lord, remember me as in my own way I minister to your people, may my life be holy and an example to your people. Lord Jesus, purify my heart with your truth and guide me in the way of holiness, so that I may always do what is pleasing in your sight. Amen.




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