Catholic Answers

Does God Create Some People For Hell?

Why does God creates some people knowing they would reject His love and go to hell?

God is a mystery. Why He does what He does is a mystery. I am sure that no matter how good you try to be, at some point in your journey you will be amazed at God’s love and why He should love you or me the way that he does. So in that light, if we understand all that there is to understand about God, then I suppose he would cease to be God. So that is the first point; God is a mystery.

Now Saint Paul in a sense, addresses this when he wrote in the Letter to the Romans, chapter 9, verses 14 – 16, ‘What should we say, then? That God is unjust? Out of the question! For speaking to Moses, he said: I am gracious to those to whom I am gracious and I take pity on those on whom I take pity. So it is not a matter of what any person wants or what any person does, but only of God having mercy.’ This passage further brings the point across that God is a mystery.

The next points to note is that God writes straight even on crooked lines. There’s a Scripture passage that says or confirms this it is taken from St. Paul’s letter to the Romans, Ch 8:28, that reads, ‘We are well aware that God works with those who love him, those who have been called in accordance with his purpose, and turns everything to their good.’ Even in the bad choices that we make, or in the bad choices that others make that affect us, God can make good come out of them.

Now it must be made clear that God’s desire for us all is that we all be saved – 2 Peter 3: 9 – ‘The Lord is not being slow in carrying out his promises, as some people think he is; rather is he being patient with you, wanting nobody to be lost and everybody to be brought to repentance.’ Also 1 Timothy 2:4, ‘he wants everyone to be saved and reach full knowledge of the truth.’ So God’s desire is that every one of us should be saved.

Now we mentioned earlier that God is a mystery; He is also love. All that God does, or that He is, is in love; is love. So God created us out of love. Where there is true love, there is freedom. Love does not imprison. Love does not put shackles upon the beloved. Love sets us free, free to choose black or white; free to choose left or right; free to choose right or wrong; free to accept or reject His love. So every one of us is created free but unfortunately many use that freedom to reject God. God has a plan for every one of us – Jeremiah 29:11, and that plan is not determined by whether we accept God’s love or reject Him. He has given every single one of us, enough of His grace to choose to do what is right, to choose eternal life. So when anyone goes to hell, it is not because he/she did not receive God’s grace, but rather it is because they chose to reject Him in their freedom.

So God never created anyone to go to hell. He created all of us with the free will of choice.  Yes, all of our days are numbered and yes God knows how each of our stories will end.  He knows who will accept His grace and who won’t.  All of our lives are intertwined in some way, and God in His wisdom knows how even the evil we choose to do will bring about a greater good some where.  Romans 5: 20 tells us that where sin abounds, grace abounds even more!  Finally, as mentioned earlier, God’s desire, Love’s desire is that all be saved, and it breaks God’s heart when anyone is lost.  We see this when we read the story of the Prodigal Son among others.

God Bless You.

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